Do you drag through the day? After a really stressful couple years, it's understandable if you feel a little more tired than usual. 


While you might think reaching for an espresso or an unhealthy energy drink is the answer, there are healthier ways to boost your energy, naturally. 

6 Ways to Naturally Beat Fatigue and Boost Your Energy

1. Get Some Sleep

One of the best things you can do to help combat tiredness is getting sleep - and not just any sleep - quality sleep. According to the CDC, approximately 35% of Americans don't get the minimum 6 hours recommended amount of sleep at night. Seven hours of sleep is the magic number for most adults and can help ward off other conditions like obesity and diabetes. 

2. Get Moving!


It can be really tempting to click "Still watching" on your latest Netflix binge... but getting off the couch and getting exercise - even just a walk - can naturally boost your mood.


There is a clear association between being physically active and your energy levels and fatigue. This connection is often tied to the endorphins that exercise release, or the sleep you get after being so active.

 It’s recommended a minimum of 20 minutes of physical activity a day.


3. Reduce Alcohol Intake

Even one glass of wine or a beer at lunch can cause that dreaded afternoon slump. And that nightcap? The reason you toss and turn and wake up grouchy. 

Alcohol reduces the time it takes to fall asleep and greatly impacts the quality of sleep you get. It typically affects the latter half of your night's rest and impacts the REM cycles for the night. If you choose to have a drink to help wind down after a long day, do it on a night when you don't mind having a lack of energy the next day!

4. Get Hydrated

When you're dehydrated, it's easy to feel tired. Stay awake and alert by drinking plenty of water during the day. A recommended amount is 9 glasses of water for women and 13 for men. 

If drinking plain water is boring for you - add in lemon, lime, cucumber, fruit or even a natural energy boost supplement like GAME ON to one of your glasses of water to help you power through the day. 

5. Eat Balanced Meals

We get the majority of our energy from the food we eat. The best thing you can do is avoid processed food, which makes energy levels spike and quickly drops. This can leave you feeling foggy and exhausted. Aim for foods that contain sugars that are slowly absorbed, such as whole grains, fibrous vegetables, nuts, and healthy oils.


6. Reduce stress 

You probably cannot get rid of all the stress in your life, but it is likely contributing to your exhaustion. Taking a day or two to rest and reset can help clear your mind. Natural energy boosters like meditation or yoga focus on breathing to slow your mind and body down. 


A supplement like GAME ON can help improve your ability to focus and stay alert. The blend of over 29 vitamins, amino acids, and nutrients provide sustained energy and mental focus. You can click the link above to read up on GAME ON Energy mix and follow our Facebook page, Kunu, for daily knowledge on our supplements!