Covid and Hair Loss

Covid and Hair Loss

By Chrissy Scott

Did you experience hair loss after Covid? 

According to the American Academy of Dermatology hair loss can now be linked to Covid. People can experience hair loss after child birth, a major surgery, stress and now seeing it in post Covid patients. Usually 2-3 months after the stressful event, these hairs will start falling out. Kua Nutrition addressed in an earlier blog it is normal to lose 100-150 strands per day but now in post Covid patients it’s becoming common that they may lose closer to 300 strands per day.   

Physicians at the Hackensack University Medical Center have issued a report saying some people are experiencing excessive hair loss after contracting Covid and recovering from the primary symptoms…especially prevalent among long-haul patients. This hair loss occurs due to overactive inflammation in the body. The inflammation can cause a shift in the normal hair loss cycle. 

This hair loss phase is called Telogen Effluvium. It occurs when hair follicles are pushed to the Telogen phase earlier than normal. Fever, illness or significant stress can push more hairs into this phase. Usually 2-3 months after the stressful event, these hairs will start falling out. Millions not only experienced sickness during the pandemic but also significant stress. In a recent study it was found cases of Telogen Effluvium are up 400%! Unfortunately, TE can last anywhere from 6 months to a year and a half before the reset. 

The good news is there are things can we do to help the process and regrowth! Let’s take a look at those…

1- Increase Vitamin Intake.

Supplements like HAIR HIPPIE will give you the adequate vitamins to promote health of those locks! 

2- Manage Stress.

Exercise, practice mindfulness, healthy relationships and get in 7-8 hours sleep per night  

3- Eat a Healthy Diet.

Having a focus on getting in adequate Protein. Protein is a MUST for hair growth and health. 


*Covid affects people many ways including hair loss. 
*Hair loss is common response to stress..including physical illness. 
*Hair will regrow after TE. 
*Supplement the hair with vitamins designed specifically around hair health.