Postpartum Hair Loss and Why It Happens

Postpartum Hair Loss and Why It Happens

By Chrissy Scott 

Let’s face it…new moms have enough to worry about without adding on the loss of hair and constant shedding. But, it is totally normal. And there are ways to slow the shed and prevent postpartum hair loss. 

Dermatologists call postpartum hair loss “Excessive hair shedding” and it is caused by the rapidly falling levels of estrogen. The International Association of Trichologists (physicians who specialize in the treatment of scalp and hair issues) call this condition “postpartum alopecia.” Regardless of what you call it, it is normal and approximately 90% of women will experience some form of it. 

What Causes Postpartum Hair Loss & How Long Does it Last?

During pregnancy, a woman’s body experiences rapid increases in estrogen and progesterone levels. These hormones are to thank for the thick, luscious locks and glowing skin many pregnant women have. 

In the months after childbirth, your hormones level out. Your hair will enter a “resting” phase before it starts to fall out and new growth begins. A lot of women lose hair the most around their hairline and the regrowth comes back most frequently as “wispies” or baby bangs. 

The rapid hair loss can definitely cause a little worry, but you’re not going bald - just going back to normal! In women who breastfeed, your thicker hair may hang on a little longer until you begin to wean or introduce solids. 

Whether you choose to nurse or not, know that your hair will regrow and your hair will be just as lovely, if not more, than before pregnancy! 

Tips for Dealing with Hair Loss

If you notice a lot of hair loss in the first few months after giving birth, there are some things you can do:

  • Eat a Healthy Diet. A diet rich in protein and vitamins and nutrients encourage hair regrowth. 
  • Be Gentle. Be careful to not over-shampoo your hair or scrub your scalp too hard. Use a good conditioner to keep your hair moisturized is important so it doesn’t become brittle and break. Using a wide-toothed comb will minimize tangling, just like using soft scrunchies instead of tight elastics bands to put your hair up. 
  • Reduce Heat. Try to eliminate heat styling products like blow dryers and flat irons if possible. Chemically-based treatments like keratin, highlights, and coloring can also increase shedding and hair breakage. 
  • Take Supplements. Supplements created specifically for hair regrowth can fuel your hair and scalp for stronger hair. The previous link is HAIR HIPPIE and it is FULL of vitamins and nutrients that feed your hair and prevent hair loss. 
  • Talk to Your Doctor. If hair loss is excessive and lasts longer than a few months, be sure to contact your doctor, as it could be a sign of an underlying condition. 

    Sending lots of love to you new moms!! Focus on your babies and let KUNU focus on your locks!💖